Title: European Jazz, not just about passports
Subtitle: An approach to European Jazz in 130 recordings
Book type: paperback
Page number: 212, colors
Authors: Livio Minafra, Ugo Sbisà
Languages: italiano ed inglese
Year: 2023
Publishing house: i quaderni di Digressione
Isbn code: 979-12-81664-00-5
Graphic: Don Gino Samarelli
Photos: Gérard Rouy, Alexandre Cabrita, Hans Kumpf, Tim Dickeson, Giorgos Kaitanzidis, Elena Carminati, Raffaele Puce, Roberto Masotti (thanks to Silvia Lelli)
Translated from Italian by Rita Valentini
People like Django in the 1930s in France, or Gorni Kramer, Giorgio Gaslini, Misha Mengelberg, or Jan Garbarek, have abundantly demonstrated their love for jazz and their ability to make it their own by integrating imagination, European classical music, contemporary music, and folk, thereby transforming something “foreign” into indigenous. And here is the 20th century with its vast, fertile, diverse, and polychromatic European jazz panorama. Here this book: European Jazz, not just about passaports.